Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Its that time of year....again

Every four years we go through this, I would compare it to a comet crossing our path but I see it more like the chance to watch retarded monkeys fashion crude weapons out of their own shit and dead babies.

I know that sounds cool too but go along with it.

Something I really dread is peoples opinions about who they are voting for, like its going to make a huge fucking change in how I see things.  Your not going to change my mind with your brilliant debating skills and knowledge of the person you going to vote for, I could care less.  Even if you try your hardest.

Do you really want to know who my best pick is?  Will it change to mind?  Will my incite change your life forever, possible cause you to cry blood and possibly convince you that you need to go home and stick all 100 cats you own in a blender and make a cat slurry to feed to your elderly neighbor?  Hopefully.

My pick is.....

No one.... Yup, as much as you want to believe, your vote don't count for shit.  A good example is the Gore/Bush election.  Gore won the popular vote but Bush won the electoral college.  How the fuck does that work?

So have fun this election day, I'm sending in for a absentee ballot, pining up on the shooting block and making my selection with my .22.  Whoever wins...we are all fucked.


Not Romney!!!!

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