Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Something I think about alot

"I see some bread over there"
"Really?  Man I'm fucking starving"
"I'm going to check it out"

Joe approaches the bread, cautiously but driving by hunger.
"This is way better than foam" he things to himself.  A few minutes pass when Charlie starts to worry.  Charlie calls out
"Joe....Joe where you at man"
No answer.  Charlie heads out in the direction he saw Joe head a few minutes earlier.  He sees Joe, he seems to be sticking his head into a box.

"God dammit Joe if your eating all that shit without sharing I gonna kick....."  He pears into the box to find Joe's face firmly planted to the bottom.  Cold chills shoot down his spine.  The lifeless body of his friend lays still.

"It's a trap!!"  Charlie runs the route they have taken so many times before.  I notices something different ahead of him, but fearing for his life, blindly runs ahead.  He only sees the hole to the outside world.


Charlie's run  quickly comes to a dead stop, as if an invisible force pulls his stomach to the ground.  His struggling only ensnares him more.  Fatigue quickly takes over has he realizes that it is the same box that has taken his friend.  "Enough" he thinks, he lays still hoping for help.

Charlie's slumber is interrupted by a bright light, he begins to struggle once again but soon realizes he is no more closer to free himself.  Darkness envelopes him has he is lifted.  He closes his eyes tightly in hopes that he will wake from this nightmare.

A flash of light.....

"The woods?"  he asks himself.  He sees the sun, the warm glow warming him.  He tries once again to free himself but he's still trapped.  He hears a sound and sees a man looking down on him.  He remains still until the man turns and walks away.  Think this is his chance for freedom he begins the struggle again.  During his struggle he notice the man sits down, seems like miles from him.  He struggles more, one foot free!!  "I'm almost there..."

Another foot comes free.  Charlie can feel his body lifting, almost free of his prison.  A flash of light catches his attention, almost like a mirror.  He's starting to feel fatigued again, but the dream of freedom drives him.  Another foot breaks free.  "Almost there!"  he screams, on the verge of tears.  The flash of light again.  He freezes.  He realizes what is going on and the fight for freedom drains from his body.

"There's not enough time"

He lays still and silent, thoughts of Joe run through his mind, wondering what went through his mind in his final moments.  The sorrow overwhelms him.

"Joe... I'm sor....


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