Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I was that close...

Almost killed a man today, with my bare hands.

Rolling down 21 highway in WashCo, coming up on 47 highway just about to Dugout Road and what happens? 50 feet away this hoosier pulls out in front of me, luckily I saw him ahead of time and reduced my speed, still wasn't enough. When he gets out onto the highway, he apparently missed a gear in his little eco-shitbox (or maybe it didn't have the balls to get up to speed fast enough) So I'm to the floor, tires squealing and ABS kicking in. In this 2 second time span I told myself, if I hit this ass badger, I'm beating the fuck out of him in the middle of the highway. But no, my little truck once again prevailed in the war of me versus shouldn't-be-drivers.

Why did he find it necessary to pull out in front of me like that you may ask? So he could get onto 47, which was 100 yards down the road. The real kicker is that no one was behind me, so instead of waiting (or paying attention) he decided that the right way to go about getting to his meth lab in a timely manner was to pull out in front of a slightly larger vehicle barreling down the road at 55 mph and then forget how to properly operate his mobile meth delivery vehicle.

So here's to you red Geo fucktard with the hanging by one screw front license plate, I hope you get aids.... from your sister.

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